Saturday, October 11, 2014

My Soylent Experiment: Day 2

Well, I decided to start work about 45 minutes early today.  Why?

I was full of energy.  Energized in a way that I've not been in weeks.

I won't say it's the Soylent.  I don't believe it's the Soylent.  Statistically, I'm entitled to an energized day now and again.

All I can say is that it didn't prevent me from feeling great.  2000 calories yesterday, a day that included a 5k walk/run, and I don't feel tired, run down, or anything.

I'm not hungry either.  Like I posted earlier, my immediately preceding diet set me up for success, however.  It's pretty easy to go from a diet of nutritious food you don't like to a liquid diet where you're not thinking much about food.

About halfway through the day, I was about halfway through the pitcher.  I took my normal lunch hour, but I didn't spend half of it scrambling for food.  I got some extra chores done, putting away laundry and dishes so that's stuff I didn't have to do later.

I did get hungry around dinner time.  Another glass of Soylent, however, and I was set for hours.  I finished the last bit around 9 p.m. and prepared the pitcher for the next day.

One thing occurred to me today.  Over the coming week, I will probably only dirty a handful of dishes.  I won't spend any time cooking, cleaning up, or doing dishes for me at all (still will have to help out the family).  If I were a bachelor and wanted to eat like this full time, I wouldn't need the following:
  • A dishwasher
  • Huge amounts of china, silverware, glasses
  • Large number of pots, pans, tupperware, kitchen gadgets
  • Large number of cabinets to house all that extraneous stuff
  • Anything more than a small nominal refrigerator
Now obviously, this is a thought experiment taken to extremes, but it has some useful applications. Life is not so much a hassle that I don't want a kitchen anymore, but what do you do when you don't have a kitchen?  What if you live in a tiny house, where every last square foot of space counts?  What if you live in a third-world nation, where power is spotty, and you don't have easy access to refrigeration?  Soylent or similar formulations could be a real boon.

Anything different from the average is scary and weird.  I've gotten some pretty weird responses to saying, "I wanna try that Soylent stuff."  But remember, everything that we do everyday was once new and decried as a stupid fad.  

Don't be a get-off-my-lawner.  Embrace change.  Try new things.  You never know where the thinks will lead you.

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