Monday, October 13, 2014

My Soylent Experiment: Day 5

As I mentioned in my first post, I'm overweight and have an unhealthy relationship with food.  It would be crazy not to think of Soylent as a possible weight loss vehicle.  If it provides all my nutrition in a measured number of calories that also happens to be an amount of calories that would lead itself to weight loss, that'd be ok, right?

Yep.  Fine with me.  As I said before, that's not entirely the goal, but it is in the back of my mind. Weight loss, when you're overweight, is always in the back of your mind, to some extent.

That said, while I am certainly trying to make positive changes to my life by eating clean, and by trying Soylent, there's always the little motivation in the back of my head that life would be better if I were, say, 33% smaller.

Friend and That Conference colleague Clark Sell recommended that I watch a movie last week called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead".  It's on Netflix, so it wasn't a problem to watch it.  Hulu seems to have it in its entirety online, so there's really no excuse not to check it out if you're interested.

The movie is about how two men with similar physical conditions used juicing to get down to healthy weights from fairly precarious health conditions.  One bloke from Australia sets off on a 60-day juicing fast while driving across America, and while he's on his journey, meets another fella with similar conditions and convinces him to juice, too.  They both lose a couple people's worth of weight over the course of years and become fairly well known for it.

But the juicing thing seems very Soylent-esque.  And given the gas we pass on Soylent, possibly I'll try a juice cleanse in the near future.  Be sure to read about it here if I do.

So, to the point, I appear to be down somewhere between 4-5 pounds over last week. That includes a day of liquid diet, however, but I do believe that calorie restriction is partially responsible for that. We'll see how things shake out.

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